Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, Judgments.

Please leave any comments you have.


  1. Mr. Elagar,

    My name is Adelina Patti and I am an opera singer. I read your blog and I noticed that we have many things in common as artists. We are both musicians and we are both passionate about our work. Additionally, I sang Ave Maria for a recording, however it was a different version because it was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and Charles Gounod. I also read on your interview that your father owned a piano shop and that influenced you to become interested in music. I can relate to that because my parents were both opera singers. They are a major reason I am interested in my art profession. I also noticed that you were self taught. I was self taught as well. Another way we are alike is that we were both married at some point in our lifetimes.

    Even though we have many things in common, I am very different from you. One major difference is that you are a composer and you play many instruments, and I am an opera singer. Another way we are different is that you are from a small town called Boradhealth in the United Kingdom. I was born in Spain, however when I was five years old my family moved to New York City. Also according to your interview, you imply that you have had one wife, and you are still married to her. I had multiple husbands during my lifetime.

    I would like to inform you that I truly admire the passion you have for music. I have passion for music as well, and I support anyone who loves the art form as much as I do. I am also very impressed by your work. Your music is brilliant and shows that you are an extremely talented musician.

    I hope to hear back from you so that we can continue to get to know each other.


  2. Edward Elgar,

    My name is Ellen Terry and I am an actress. You and I have only a few similarities. Your father influenced you to become interested in music, where my parents were actors and raised me in a theatre environment. Another similarity is we're both from the United Kingdom.

    You said in your interview that you were self taught, and had no mentors. When I was a child, I was trained by my parents and a theatre family, the Kean Family. Ellen Kean helped me prepare for a role when I was 9 years old. A big difference between ourselves is you are a composer and an instrumentalist and I am a comic and Shakespearean actress.

    I listened to the recordings of pieces you composed and I think they are absolutely beautiful. You obviously have an amazing talent, and I look forward to learning more about you.

    Ellen Terry

  3. Eddie,
    You probably know me, because well everyone does. We are not very similar. You me boy had a father to inspire you. You had a mother. Me on the other hand had no mother, no father in me life. No family to see me succeed. Nobody to help.

    We both had mentors to help us. We both write pieces for our arts. We both were social outcasts in a way. I went to London and only one, Mme. Vestris accepted me at first.

    I must admit laddi, your pieces are truly brilliant, and that's the only reason I look forward to eating dinner with you, I do hope that we have good food so I do not get crabby.


  4. Hello Dede Edmond I haven't supposed we have met yet. Reading your interview I noticed you father got you interested on the arts! So did mine. We are both involved in music as well which is quite awesome. Mentors played a big role in our life as well,.

    On the other hand you were not born from the US. I was. Like My good friend John said you were a social outcast and I couldn't say the same for myself.

    But all and all you are a extremely extravagant person, I look forward to seeing you at the dinner

  5. Mr. Elgar,

    My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and I am a professional writer and a published author. I read your blog and I find your work very interesting. However, we have many things in common. I couldn't help but notice that you said that your father is a person that you admire very much. I, too, admire my father to the extreme. I read in your interview that your father was a huge reason why you were interested in music. I can relate to that because my father had a huge influence on my work and what I wrote about. We have both had great experiences with our fathers.

    Although we have many things in common, I am different from you in may ways. Obviously you are a muscian and I am a writer. You are from the United kingdom, and I am from Connecticut. Another reason I am different from you is that although our fathers were positive influences in our lives, their occupations were totally different. My father was a minister that spoke out against slavery, and your father tuned pianos for living in Worcester. Another difference is that your best accomplishment was a song you composed called Pomp and Circumstance. However, my best accomplishment was me publishing Uncle Tom's Cabin; a novel based off of slavery.

    I would just like to let you know that your work is very inspiring. Being able to self teach yourself something as complicated as music is extremely impressive. Your passion for music is admirable. Overall you are a very talented person, and I think your work is stunning!
    Harriet Beecher Stowe

  6. Ah yes we are very similar. Especially childhood wise. We were both raised similar. I am a musician so we were also similar in that way. I wanted to know if you felt you music was pushed on you like it was for me.
    I wanted to know if you enjoy making music like i do. I enjoy making up a whole new moment just from my head.
    However orchestral music never satisfies me. I cannot enjoy that type of music over my intelligent sophisticated trumpet solo music

  7. Hello Edward!
    It's very nice to read your interview. As well as many people if this era, I TOO WAS BORN IN EUROPE. My father was also very much into music. And he was a great inspiration in my life. I was also self taught. And you are right, no boundaries allowed me to really develop my art. I mean I was pretty popular. So uhhh, thats a difference. I also haven't created anything
    ...More like brought others creations to life.
    Overall Mr. Elgar, your work is impeccable. Ave Maria is one of my favorite songs. I cannot wait to meet you!
