Interview with Edward Elgar.

Hello Mr. Elgar, I have a few questions to ask you. The first question is Describe where you are from and give us information about your family.
I, Edward Elgar, was born in Broadheath, a small village in the United Kingdom. The village is very close to the larger town of Worcester.  I grew up in a very small, close community. Everyone was friendly and kind to me. It had easy access to Worcester where my father owned a piano shop.                     My father tuned pianos for a living in Worcester. He was fortunate enough to own his own shop. My mother had a great influence on my compositions. She was one of the main inspirations for my song Pomp and Circumstance. (

Mr. Elgar, the second question I have for you is what events in your early life made you get interested in the arts?
My father was a huge reason I was interested in music. He gave me access to his music shop. In his shop I had access to numerous instruments. I was self-taught in a lot of varying instruments. I also had access to all of my father’s sheet music which I took a lot of time to study. (

My third question I have is what role did mentors play in helping you develop the interests and talents you have as an artist?
I actually never had any mentors or teachers. I was free to study and practice on my own. I taught myself everything I needed to know. This led me to become free with my styling and musicality. I didn’t have anyone telling me how to express my music. I could make music how I wanted to.
Having no teachers turned out to be a benefit for me. It gave me no boundaries, no limitations. It caused me to become better than the other composers of my time. I was able to make songs exactly how I wanted them to sound. I gave them my own personal flavor. (Elgar in Manuscript)

The fourth question I have for you Mr. Elgar is what was the world of art like in your particular art field when you entered it?
The arts world for me was very pleasant. I had easy access to my father’s shop where many musicians and composers would show up every day. They gave me input when I first starting writing music.

The fifth question for you is how did the major cultural, economic and political situations of the time impact your work?
I was a social outcast. I didn’t have a lot of friends at first. The British snobby composers did not accept me or my compositions. Eventually I was highly respected my composers and English royalty.
I was a strong believer in the Catholic faith. This led to me making a lot of church music. I created the popular song named Ave Maria. I also created three motets for my church. (

The sixth question is what were your major accomplishments and the methods you used in your art?
My most reputable accomplishment is my song called Pomp and Circumstance. It is a very well-known and popular march. Another well-known composition is the vocal work Ave Maria. It is performed at many churches and religious events.
More reputable pieces are Salute De Amore and Serenade for Strings. Salute De Amore is my most known chamber music peace. Serenade for Strings is a well-known orchestral piece. I have used many methods in my works. I have created varying types of music. I have created vocal works, orchestral pieces, chamber quartets, and numerous religious pieces.

The seventh question I have for you is what were the key opportunities you had that led to turning points in your life and art?
One major opportunity was my father’s music store. I was able to learn a lot of instruments. I could study all the music I wanted to. Musicians came in and I was able to ask them for advice.
My first big success was when I was able to debut my song Enigma Variations in London. This performance made me a renowned composer. It got the attention of almost all the good musicians and composers in England.

Mr. Elgar, the eighth question is what hardships or roadblocks did you have to overcome in order to be an artist?
One hardship was that it took me longer to learn music due to the fact that I was self-taught. All the other composers and musicians around me were studying under their teacher’s advice. I was left to figure things out for myself.
Another roadblock I had was when I first started composing, no one would listen. They all rejected the personal style that I created. I eventually overcome this when I became known by England’s royalty. (

The ninth question is who are people that you admire both in the arts and beyond and why do they inspire you?
I admire my father very much. He was the one that started my interest in music.  Through his shop I gained a growing interest for music. He was the one that introduced me to music. Without his influence, I wouldn’t have started writing music.
Another person that inspired me was my former student that is now my beautiful wife. She was one of my better students. When I write a beautiful song, I think of her for inspiration. (

The tenth and final question is what personal stories best illustrate how you became successful in the arts?
A story of my success is my first performance in London that made me famous. Ever one in the music world looked down on me before that concert. That concert grabbed the attention of the music world. They then saw me as an accomplished composer.

Thank you Mr. Elgar for taking your time to answer these questions for me.

                                                                 Works Cited: 
"Edward Elgar- Biography." IMDb. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <>.

"Sir edward Elgar: English Composer." . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar 2012. <>.

Anderson, Robert (1990). Elgar in Manuscript. London: British Library
"Elgar, The man Behind the Music." Elgars life index. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <>.

"Elgar- A Short Biogrophy." Elgars life index. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012.

 "Elgar society." . N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <>.

"Edward Elgar." Chester Novello. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <htt  p://

Elgar." CPDL. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <>.
"Edward Elgar." boosey and hawkes. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. < elgar>.

"Category:Elgar, Edward." IMSLP. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <,_Edward>.


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